Fräulein Magazine
Article: Cancel Culture And The Power Of The Public
“Politics is the practice and theory of influencing other people on a global level, usually controlled by governing bodies who practice the distribution of power and resources within given communities. But over the past few years the concept of “cancel culture” has begun to take hold, and now canceling has become the internet’s most powerful weapon — a form of mass shaming, driven by the public to strip problematic figures of their power and influence. It began as a device to allow disempowered communities to stop toxic behaviour, assert their values, and hold the powers at play accountable but has now evolved into a mainstream concern where any controversial opinion could result in action. Where we all have the right to belong in the land of politics, does cancel culture also lead to the cancellation of freedom of speech? Are the people, or cancel culture warriors, who join the cause really standing up for something they believe in, or are they just following the masses? How can we sustain a powerful and important tool for accountability whilst also using it responsibly?”
Read the full article below.
Role: Editorial writing